From 12 pm / desde las 12 pm. Ask for our charity wines promotions
To Start / Para Empezar
Hummus & Pita245,00 MXN
Hummus, olive oil & Zhoug [Hummus, garbanzos, aceite de oliva, Zhoug]
- Half Order165,00 MXN
Lamb Masbaha395,00 MXN
Long-cooked lamb shoulder, with wine and spices from the Middle East, on hummus, caramelized onions, fresh parsley and onion sumac [Una pierna de cordero en larga cocción, con vino y especies del Medio Oeste, sobre hummus, cebolla caramelizada, perejil fresco y cebolla sumac]
Burrata350,00 MXN
Fresh burrata on grilled asparagus on cherry´s tomato sauce, garlic, basil, pan gratete and kalamata olives [Burrata fresca sobre espárragos al grill, en una salsa de tomate cherry´s, ajo, albahaca, pan gratete y aceitunas kalamata]
Loco Falafel395,00 MXN
Falafel, hummus, Middle East Salad, tahini & pita bread [Falafel, hummus, Ensalada del Medio Oriente, tahini y pan pita]
Babaganush249,00 MXN
Smoked eggplants, fresh pepper, with tahini, olive oil & Zhoug. Served with pita bread [Berenjenas ahumadas, pimienta negra fresca, tahini, aceite de olivo & Zhoug. Servido con pan pita]
Our Famous Fish Tacos (4)259,00 MXN
Red tuna, white fish, tomato, grilled onion and 7 Middle Eastern spice, radish, chili, arugula tahini [Atún rojo, pescado blanco, tomate, cebolla grillada y 7 especies de medio oriente. rábano, chile, arúgula y tahini]
Shrimps Tacos (4)289,00 MXN
Shrimps, avocado, tomato, onion, basil, aioli, chipotle-tahini [Tacos de camarones, tomate, cebolla, albahaca, aioli, chipotle-tahin] Ask for Corn Tortilla
Tataki Idan275,00 MXN
Red tuna on couscous tabule salad and spectacular Loco Spicy Dressing [Atún rojo sobre ensalada tabule de couscous y un espectacular aderezo picante]
Tartare310,00 MXN
Fresh Kampachi fish with olive oil, black pepper on Israeli salad, in natural yogurt, roasted onion, radish, coriander, crispy pita, lemon [Pescado Kampachi fresco con aceite de olivo, pimienta negra sobre ensalada israelí, en yogurt natural, cebolla rostizada, rábano, cilantro, crocante de pita]
Salads / Ensaladas
Tofu Salad220,00 MXN
Lentils, beetroot, broccoli with olive oil, and grilled tofu on eggplant pure [Ensalada de lentejas, betabel, brócoli, oliva y tofu al grill sobre pure de berenjenas]
Caesar Salad225,00 MXN
Lettuce, Anchovies, Parmesan cheese, croutons, egg, Caesar Dressing [Lechuga, anchoas, parmesano, crutones, huevo y aderezo cesar]
Mediterranean Salad290,00 MXN
Cherry tomato, black olives, feta cheese, mint, basil and balsamic dressing [Tomate cherry, aceitunas negras, queso feta, menta, albahaca y balsámico]
Linguine Marinera349,00 MXN
Pasta with shrimps on white wine [Pasta con camarones al vino blanco]
Veggy Pasta260,00 MXN
Full of vegetables and tomato pesto [Pasta vegetariana con pesto de tomate] Ask for Gluten-free Pasta
Main Course / Plato Fuerte
Red Tuna on the Grill / Atún Rojo al Grill455,00 MXN
On hot lentils salad, eggplant pure and vegetables [Sobre ensalada caliente de lentejas, puré de berenjena y vegetales]
Shrimps "Shipud" / Brocheta de Camarón*485,00 MXN
Fresh shrimps on rustic Guacamole, basil and crispy garlic, with Aioli chipotle and Sour Cream [Frescos camarones sobre Guacamole rústico, albahaca y ajo crujiente. Con Alioli chipotle y crema agria]
Vegan Burguer295,00 MXN
Vegan hummus, garlic, corn & flaxseed burger, with avocado tomato and lettuce. Provençal potatoes [Hamburguesa de garbanzo, ajo, cebolla, lino, y maíz, con aguacate tomate y lechuga. Papas a la provenzal]
Angus Hamburguer / Hamburguesa Angus (Certified Angus Beef, Canadian Beef)
With tomato, lettuce, onion, avocado and potatoes [Con tomate, lechuga, cebolla, aguacate y papas al provenzal]
- 200gr325,00 MXN
Dessert / Postre
Red Fruit and Apple Tart270,00 MXN
Soft butter dough filled with red berries and apple, with semi-bitter chocolate mousse [Suave masa de mantequilla rellena con frutos rojos y manzana, con mousse de chocolate semi amargo]