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⌚ Business hours ⌚Wednesday to Sunday: 15: 30 pm-00: 00 pm ⏰ Order time ⏰ Last meal order 22:30, 22: 30-23: 30 Only thick slices of pizza are available. No beverages will be served after 23:30. ?LIVE BAND? Every day from 19:00 to 23:00, there will be live band performances (sing 45 minutes, rest 15 minutes) ?Consumption Mode? ? $200NT minimum ordering per person. ?Room consumption method NTD 3000 / room, if you want two rooms, it will be NTD 6000, and so on; as long as the number of people is more than 4 people, but the amount of consumption must be reached. (If the amount is insufficient, you can buy bottled beer to reach the threshold of the room fee.) Reservation Notices ❶ Accept booking Reservations are available within 30 days. If the network is fully booked and you cannot choose the time slot you want, Some seats are reserved at the scene. It is recommended that you can call the special line of each store to inquire. ❷Reservation for 10 minutes Reservation time will be reserved for you for 10 minutes. Reservations will be canceled after this time and will be open to guests on-site. ❸ Reservations for multiple people (eight or more people) You can dial the reservation line directly during business hours, and the service staff will arrange suitable seats for you. ❹ Vomiting Cleaning FeeVomiting does not fall to the ground. If there is vomit, a cleaning fee of 2,000 NTD will be charged per person. ?Large meals / reservations / events / specialist planning services ? Meals for more than 30 people, special needs meals, meetings, company dinners, budgets, or longer mealtimes, etc; We will have a commissioner to assist with meal schedules and customized meal designs, available from 15:30 to 00:00 pm. Call 07-531-5511 and it will be forwarded to a specialist for you.
Reservado 3 veces hoy
請詳閱以下內容後再進行訂位?《營業時間 & 供餐時間 & 店休》週一至週日,僅供晚餐17:30-24:00。釜飯海鮮類加點至22:00,其餘食材類加點至22:30,酒水甜點加點至23:00。當月實際店休日以溫肚的Facebook與Instagram公告為主。⚠️如網路訂位開放時段無想預訂之時段及日期麻煩於營業時間下午15:00-24:00撥打電話,我們將會由專人替您服務。《付款方式》.現金.實體信用卡:VISA、Mastercard、JCB.電子支付:LINE PAY、APPLE PAY無提供美國運通卡及銀聯卡付款,造成不便敬請見諒。 以下注意事項麻煩耐心詳閱❤️《訂位注意事項》?1.我們目前提供inline訂位系統、電話進行預約,如有任何問題麻煩於營業時間15:00-24:00之間來電。2.預約成功後,您將會收到訂位完成之簡訊或者LINE通知,若資訊有誤麻煩與我們聯繫。3.若訂位完成後,用餐當日訂位時間超過10分鐘,餐廳無法連絡上訂位人,該訂位會視同無效預約,由餐廳直接取消訂位,不再另行通知。**4.每組訂位人數上限七位,人數包含孩童與嬰幼兒,餐聽內圓桌最多容納人數為六位,七位較不建議預訂,會較為擁擠,若可接受再預訂哦!(若想分為兩桌可留下備註我們會依當日訂位情況安排,若無備註則會優先安排一張圓桌)超過七位麻煩營業時間15:00-24:00之間來電。5.若有需要兒童餐具或兒童椅麻煩於備註上說明數量。6.我們的湯底均為當日現熬,孕婦皆可使用,無提供素食湯底,若需要麻煩最少於用餐前一日來電告知,或於訂位時備註訊息。《其他注意事項》?1.我們座位分為一、二樓,洗手間位於二樓,若同行中有行動不便者,須安排一樓請提早吿知。2.店內座位較多元,位置會依當天訂位狀況安排,恕無法指定,兩位用餐的顧客則有可能會安排至吧台的個人鍋,若有座位上的需求,可在備註提出願望,我們將會視當天日訂位狀況安排。3.為避免產生詐騙糾紛,如有事前寄酒/寄物等需求,請務必事先與我們聯繫及確認,若無聯繫或未通知者,餐廳保有拒絕代收的權利。4.除導盲犬之外,餐廳禁止寵物入內,若有不便請見諒。5.餐廳內禁止吸煙。6.餐廳內禁帶外食,生日蛋糕除外。7.如遇不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。《聯絡我們》電話服務時間為營業時間15:00-24:00。 若欲使用電話與我們聯絡,請於電話服務時間內來電。如有任何問題,歡迎透過 FB/IG私訊與我們聯絡!FB:https://www.facebook.com/untoo356?mibextid=LQQJ4dIG: https://instagram.com/untoo356?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==電話:07-2411185感謝您的理解與配合,溫肚小夥伴們期待與您相見!
Reservado 8 veces hoy
訂位指南營業時間:AM 11:00 - AM 02:00最後收客為00:30#開放30天內預約訂位✅ 店內禁止攜帶寵物,敬請見諒✅ 用餐時間120分鐘✅ 線上預約提供1-8人訂位,若8人以上訂位請於營業時間內撥打門市專線進行訂位#交通資訊·高鐵搭乘搭乘捷運到『凹子底站』4號出口,步行約5分鐘·捷運搭乘搭乘捷運到『凹子底站』4號出口,步行約5分鐘·公車資訊301、24B環東幹線168環西幹線168