€€€€Precio: moderado • Bar/salón/servicio de bebidas • West Central District
?活動快報?本週三11/20邀請Glimmer創辦人(位於Cuckoo Bar 2F) 小馬&宇軒到Phowa客座啦!新品牌的延伸有點別於Cuckoo Bar的風格,敬請期待默契絕佳的他們帶來的調酒與氛圍吧!關於Glimmer?酒吧位於台南市中心,位於歷史悠久的標誌性赤坎塔對面。 Glimmer 提供現代經典雞尾酒,同時為客人提供寧靜舒適的體驗。 與一樓原創酒吧品牌「Cuckoo Bar」的俏皮和活力相比,Glimmer則提供了一種悠閒、沉浸的氛圍。一棟大樓裡有兩種完全不同的心情,就像我們一般人所經歷的各種情緒一樣。 Glimmer 並不是一個特定的主題酒吧,而是其聯合創始人長期奉獻的精髓。一個全新的開始,一個希望的曙光。About Glimmer?Glimmering in the heart of Tainan City, the bar is situated right across from the historic and iconic Chikan Tower. Glimmer offers modern-classic cocktails all while providing a tranquil and comforting experience for the guests. In comparison to its first floor and original bar brand “Cuckoo Bar”, which is playful and energetic, Glimmer provides a laid-back and immersed atmosphere. Two completely different moods within one building, much like how we as ordinary people experience various emotions. Not set as a particular themed bar, Glimmer is the essence of its co-founders’ long term dedication. A brand new start and a glimmer of hope.?21:00後僅供應客座調酒>Opening TimeMon - Sat 19:00 - 01:00用餐時間為2小時Maximum Of 2 Hours最後點單時間23:30Last Orders Time 23:30每人低消$500(含餐)酌收10%服務費Minimum Charge Of Nt 500 Per Person (Including Meals)禁帶外食Outside Food Or Drinks Are Prohibited本店全面禁菸No Smoking室外抽菸請輕聲細語Please Speak Softly If You Smoke Outdoors請勿打牌玩桌遊No Playing Cards. No Board Game隨意嘔吐將酌收清潔費$3000Cleaning Of Vomit Will Result In A Nt 3000 Charge人為因素導致物品損壞需賠償相關費用Compensation Is RequiredFor Any Damage To Property Or Facilities桌位安排以系統為主,恕不換位拆桌The Table Is Automatically Arranged By The SystemPlease Do Not Choose Or Change Seats.禁止攜帶寵物 輔助犬除外No Pets Except Assistance Dogs非本店的垃圾請自行帶走Please Take The Trash Away*開放次日後14天內的訂位,當天僅限現場訂位*Reservations are available up to 14 days in advance. Same-day reservations can only be made at the door. *訂位保留十分鐘,逾時取消訂位,不另電話通知Reservations will be held for a maximum of 10 minutes after the appointed time; late arrival will result in reservations being cancelled without notice. *如有增減人數,務必事先告知(若臨時減少人數,將以當時訂位人數收取低消),恕無法現場臨時加位*After the reservation is made, changing the number of guests cannot be accommodated at the same day, please inform us in advance. *最多訂位人數為6人*The maximum number of reservation for groups is up to 6 people.*為維謢所有客人用餐品質,禁用閃光燈拍照。* To maintain the quality of service for all customers, flash photography is not permitted.*本店沒有提供刷卡服務,若有不便請見諒。* Cash or LINE Pay (no credit card accepted)‼️Phowa擁有座位最終決定權‼️‼ ️ Phowa reserves all rights for final explanation.